
Truncate Text in Excel: Easy Guide

How To Truncate Text In Excel

Are you faced with the daunting task of dealing with an excessive amount of text in your Excel spreadsheets? Perhaps you're looking for a quick way to make your data more readable or to adhere to cell size restrictions? Truncating text can not only declutter your worksheet but also help in presenting data effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the art of truncating text in Excel, providing you with the tools and techniques to master this aspect of spreadsheet management.

What Is Truncating Text?

Before we dive into the methods, let’s clarify what truncating text means in the context of Excel:

  • Shorten: Reducing the length of text in a cell to make it fit or be more concise.
  • Preserve: Ensuring that the original data is not altered or lost, just hidden or reduced in the display.
  • Functionality: It involves using Excel functions or features to manipulate how text appears.

Using the Text-to-Columns Wizard

One of the simplest ways to truncate text is by using Excel’s built-in Text-to-Columns wizard. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Select the column containing the text you want to truncate.
  2. Navigate to the Data tab and select Text to Columns.
  3. Choose ‘Delimited’ if your data is separated by spaces, tabs, or other characters, or choose ‘Fixed width’ if your text has a consistent number of characters.
  4. If you opt for ‘Fixed width,’ you can manually set the position where the truncation will occur.
  5. Click through the wizard, selecting your delimiter or setting the column break, then hit ‘Finish.’

Text to Columns Wizard in Excel

ℹ️ Note: When using Text to Columns, your original data will be split into multiple columns based on the delimiters or fixed widths you set.

The RIGHT, LEFT, and MID Functions

For those with more control or specific truncation needs, Excel offers the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions:

LEFT Function

To extract a specific number of characters from the start of the text:

=LEFT(text, num_chars)

RIGHT Function

To extract characters from the end of the text:

=RIGHT(text, num_chars)

MID Function

To extract characters from any position:

=MID(text, start_num, num_chars)

Here, text is the cell reference or the actual text string, start_num is the starting character position, and num_chars is the number of characters to extract.

Combining Functions for Complex Truncation

Often, truncation involves more than a single function. Here’s an example of combining functions for a sophisticated truncation:

  • Suppose we want to truncate a string to 15 characters but make sure that we cut off at a space if possible:
=LEFT(A1, IFERROR(FIND(” “,A1,15)-1,15)) & “…”

This formula finds the last space before or at the 15th character and uses it as the end point, appending ellipses if truncation occurs.

Example of combined truncation functions in Excel

Using VBA to Truncate Text

For advanced users, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) offers a way to automate truncation with custom functions or subroutines:

Function TruncateText(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Length As Integer, Optional ByVal TruncateChar As String = “…”) As String
    If Len(Text) > Length Then
        TruncateText = Left(Text, Length - Len(TruncateChar)) & TruncateChar
        TruncateText = Text
    End If
End Function

Important Considerations for Truncation

When truncating text, here are some points to consider:

  • Integrity: Ensure that the truncation does not alter the meaning or purpose of the data.
  • Accessibility: Provide a way to see the full text if needed, perhaps through tooltips or another column with the complete content.
  • Formatting: Truncation can affect the look of your data. Make sure cells are wide enough to accommodate the truncated text plus any ellipses or other indicators.
  • Data Loss: While truncation is about display, be mindful of functions that might need the original data for calculations.

In summary, understanding how to truncate text in Excel can significantly enhance the way you present and manage data. Whether it’s through built-in features like Text to Columns or using custom functions and macros, Excel provides numerous tools to handle text. By employing these methods, you not only tidy up your spreadsheets but also ensure that your data remains clear, concise, and relevant to the reader or user.

Can truncating text affect data integrity?


Yes, truncating text can potentially change the meaning of your data if not done carefully. It’s important to ensure that the truncation does not remove critical information that might be needed for understanding or analysis.

What happens if I need to see the full text after truncation?


Excel allows you to view the full text through a formula in another cell or by using conditional formatting to expand the cell size when selected. You could also store the original text in another column for reference.

Is it possible to truncate text in a way that preserves its readability?


Absolutely. Using functions like IFERROR or FIND can help you truncate text at word boundaries or other logical points, ensuring that the truncated text remains readable and meaningful.

Related Terms:

  • excel truncate text from left
  • truncate text in excel spreadsheet
  • shorten data in excel field
  • excel truncate string at character
  • excel formula to shorten text
  • excel formula to truncate number

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